Travelling to Macau to see the stars?
Save on ferry tickets between Hong Kong and Macau now!
How to book your Show Ticket + Round-trip Cotai Water Jet tickets
You can book great value ferry packages through Cotai Ticketing online at or by contacting our Call Center: Hong Kong 6333 6660 / Macau 2882 8818 / China 4001 20 6618 from 10am - 10pm, 7 days a week.
Cotai Water Jet packages can even be booked on the day of the event through our Call Center. If you book online, please reserve your tickets at least 48 hours prior to the event.
Choose your Cotai Water Jet sailing time to Macau
Once you select your departure time from Hong Kong to Macau,your Cotai Water Jet E-Voucher will be sent to your email address.
Bring your printed E-Voucher or E-Voucher Reference Number to the Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter at the Hong Kong Ferry Terminal Building for Cotai Water Jet ticket collection. (Address: Shop 305D, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Sheung Wan, HK. Operation hours: 06:00 - 23:30)
You decide your Cotai Water Jet sailing time back to Hong Kong
Macau to Hong Kong Cotai Water Jet ticket redemption is available at Cotai Ticketing or Hotel Concierge counter at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel. Simply present your valid event ticket and choose your preferred sailing time before 11:59pm on the following event day, subject to availability.
Terms & Conditions
A valid email address must be provided at the time of booking to receive your Cotai Water Jet ticket confirmation.
Cotai Water Jet Hong Kong to Macau ticket must be collected from the Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter in the Hong Kong Ferry Terminal Building - Shop 305D, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Sheung Wan, HK. Operation hours: 06:00 - 23:30.
Redemption of the Macau to Hong Kong Cotai Water Jet ticket is only available at Cotai Ticketing or Hotel Concierge counter at The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel upon presentation of the valid event ticket that is free of damage or mutilation.
Macau to Hong Kong Cotai Water Jet ticket must be redeemed for a sailing time before 11:59pm on the following event day and are subject to availability.
Cotai Water Jet tickets issued as part of this package can only be used by attendees of the Entertainment Event and cannot be re-sold; otherwise the ticket shall be null and void.
Cotai Ticketing Conditions of Sale apply, visit for details.
Offer does not apply to tickets already purchased and is not redeemable for cash.
This offer is not available for use in conjunction with any other offer and is subject to availability.