Entry to Venue is subject to the following conditions:
- Children 3 years and under can be admitted without a ticket (subject to change depending on event). Children without a ticket must not occupy a seat and must be nursed by an adult at all times.
- All guests may be subject to a search, including bags, clothes and other possessions, when entering the venue. Searches may also be carried out while inside the venue or when leaving it. Guests who don’t agree to be searched may be denied entry or ejected from the venue.
- The right of admission is reserved and is subject to the seller’s and the venue’s Conditions of Entry. Late arrival may result in non-admittance until a suitable break in the performance.
- Whenever a guest is not admitted to enter the venue or when a guest is ejected from it for any reason stated in these Conditions, no refund will be paid in respect to the ticket.
- Merchandise related to an event may only be sold by registered parties and may not be sold or resold on The Venetian Macau Hotel Resort or areas adjacent to The Venetian Macau Hotel Resort.
The following items ARE allowed
- Binoculars and Bags containing merchandise purchased in the Venue. Please check specific event information for more information.
The following items are PROHIBITED and therefore NOT permitted in Venue and are subject to change depending on specific event requirements:
- Cameras (see below Camera Policy), Bags, Backpacks, Briefcases, Coolers, Glass Bottles, Cans, Alcoholic Beverages, Thermoses, Video Cameras, Recording Devices, tripods, Pets (only service animals are permitted), Aerosol Cans, Firearms, Knives (incl. pocket knives), Box Cutters or Weapons of any kind, Chains, Hanging Banners, Signs (larger than 20cm x 20cm / roughly iPad size, or containing vulgar language), Sticks, Glowing sticks containing liquid, Poles, Laser Pointers, Noise Makers, Whistles, Air Horns, Bull Horns, Fireworks, Clothing containing vulgar language, Drugs, Narcotics, Illegal Substances, Pepper Spray, Mace and any item deemed by management to be dangerous or inappropriate.
Guests may not bring food and/or beverage items into the venue during events. The only exception is unopened plastic water bottles or guests who have special dietary, medical or religious requirements. Guests must dispose of the unauthorized items prior to entering the venue or return them to their vehicle/hotel room. The Venetian will assist in cloaking items.
Prohibited items that are discovered during inspections at Venue entrances must either be removed from the venue or discarded. Venue will provide a cloaked storage area for only some items. Unlawful items that are discovered during security inspections are subject to being confiscated and the person in possession of those items will be handed over to the police.
The camera policy will vary event to event based on promoter guidelines and performers requirements.
The Venue prohibits the use of professional photography and video equipment within the Venue at all times unless used by registered media personnel, media personnel can contact staff if assistance is required.
The below details constitute a prohibited camera:
- Camera’s with a zoom lens of greater than 55 mm.
Feel free to contact the Cotai Ticketing contact center to receive up to date information on the camera policy for an upcoming event.
Proper behavior is expected from all of our guests. Foul/abusive language and/or overly rowdy behavior will not be tolerated and will be cause for ejection from Venue If actions of this type occur near you, please notify the nearest Guest Services or Safety/Security Representative immediately.
Please retain your ticket for Guest Services Representatives to verify proper seat location. Adults should ensure that children are in possession of their own ticket. This will facilitate reuniting the child with parents should they become separated.
- Sit only in your assigned seat to avoid inconveniencing other guests.
- Keep aisles clear at all times; emergency situations require that stairways be kept clear. Guests sitting or standing in the Venue aisles jeopardize the safety of others.
- Be prepared to show your ticket each time you enter your assigned seating section.
Guests who attend events at Venue expect to have a good time. As such, it is our duty to ensure that those guests who drink alcoholic beverages do so responsibly. The following is a list of the alcohol policies instituted at Venue
- Guests will not be permitted to bring alcoholic beverages
- Guests will not be allowed to enter Venue if they appear intoxicated.
- Alcohol is sold at all events and shows on a case-by-case basis. Please check the "Event Info" for a specific concert to confirm if alcohol will be sold.
- Limit of 2 beers per purchase.
- Alcoholic beverages are not vended in the seating areas.
- Beer sales are shut off at the end of halftime/intermission or earlier at management's discretion.
- Drunk and disorderly behavior as well as violation of any alcohol policy will result in ejection from Venue without refund.
All venue is a smoke free facility. Smoking is permitted in designated areas outside the Venue, please approach staff for directions. Smoking areas are open at halftime or intermission of performances and events. Note: some events or concerts do not have intermission.